(in paper or electronic form) to your patients and their insurers, and we email you PDF copies for your reference.
Session Tracking Sheet: We have developed a simple document that we call a Session Tracking Sheet to enable you to quickly and easily provide us with your session information. The session tracking
sheet has a matrix with your patient's
names along the top, the dates of the
month down the left side, and a grid so
that you can enter an 'x' in any of the
cells to indicate that you saw a patient
that day. At the bottom are a few cells
for entering the amount and date of
any payments. At the beginning of each
month, we send you a new session
tracking sheet for that month,
customized with the names of your
current roster of patients.
The session tracking sheet is created in Microsoft Excel. If a client has Excel and is comfortable using the software, the sheet can be filled in right in the application, without printing, and the completed sheet can be attached to an email and sent to us. However, we provide clients who don't have Excel or aren't comfortable using it with a PDF version of the sheet that they can print and fill in by hand. The completed sheet can be mailed to us, or scanned and sent by email. (For an easy way to scan any paper document, visit the the Using TurboScan page.)
You are not required to use a session tracking sheet. Some clients prefer to simply send us an email with their session information. Even those who do use the sheet often also send us an explanatory email with additional comments that they want included on a statement or other special requests they may have. Once we have all the information we need, we start generating your statements and claims.
The Four-Step Billing Cycle: To ensure that your statements and claims are as accurate as possible, we have developed a four-step billing cycle:
Timing: Generally, we generate a set of statements and documents within a few days after receiving the session tracking information. Once the client sends us their corrections to the document proofs, we can generate final documents in an hour or so. Generally, the entire process takes a week or less.
Although most therapists are on a monthly billing cycle in which they send us their previous month's information at the beginning of the following month, we can work with any schedule a therapist prefers. Some clients, for example, send information sporadically several times a month, and that is fine.
Sending Paper Documents: One problem clients who are unfamiliar with technology often have is figuring out how to send paper-based information to us. Of course, one option is always "snail mail" (the postal service), but as the nickname suggests, this option requires patience. Another option for therapists with "smartphones" (an iPhone or an Android phone) is called TurboScan: essentially you take a photo of a document —a session tracking sheet, for example, or a patient's insurance card—which you can send to us. For more, see the Using TurboScan page.